Child Safety

Child Safety

Serving Christ, Serving Others

Did you know that the Diocese of Manchester has a Code of Conduct? This Code of Conduct, known as Serving Christ, Serving Others, applies to all Church personnel. "Church personnel" not only refers to priests, deacons and religious men and women, it also includes all those who regularly work or volunteer at diocesan parishes, schools and camps. The Code of Conduct is available at the link on the right. If you have any questions or concerns, you may also contact our Safe Environment Coordinator at the parish office.

How to Report Suspected Abuse

If you or anyone you know has been sexually abused as a minor by a bishop, priest, deacon, or Church employee or volunteer, we encourage you to report the abuse to the NH Division of Children, Youth & Families (“DCYF”) at (800) 894-5533.

Members of the clergy, Church employees and volunteers that suspect that a current minor has been sexually abused by a bishop, priest, deacon, or Church employee or volunteer, must report their suspicions to:

DCYF: (800) 894-5533 and
Local law enforcement and
Bishop’s Delegate for Ministerial Conduct: or (603) 663-0128

For more information, please visit:

Resources for Parents and Concerned Adults

One person's stance against child abuse and child sexual abuse has a ripple effect. Other lives are influenced and changed as a result. Each of us can contribute to creating safe environments for all children in our communities. If one person can accomplish so much, imagine what is possible when members of a community work together to protect children. The potential is tremendous!

Simple Steps You Can Take

  • Educate yourself about child abuse prevention.
  • Report any suspicions of child abuse.
  • Listen to children.
  • Know that abuse is never a victim's fault.
  • Believe in your own power to make a difference.

What Can Parents Do?

  • Teach children about healthy and safe relationships. Know the warning signs of potential abuse.
  • Know about your children's lives. Who do they spend time with? Where do they spend their time? Look out for older individuals who seem to be befriending your child.
  • Make sure that personnel at your child's school or other adults in their lives are trained in sexual abuse prevention.
  • Make sure your child knows what to do in the event of an assault.

To learn more about child safety visit these websites: 


NH Children's Trust 

Prevent Child Abuse America

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